The story begins with a middle aged man who seems lonely and unwanted, as he goes about his every day life one day it will all about to change. Typically he fancies a women at his work which he cant get, and doesn’t even have the guts to ever talk to her. She predictably doesn’t acknowledge him altogether, although one night he decides to confront her in a bar. As his so called ‘Friends’ push him to go talk to her just to get fid of him. As he does so she does not recognise him and shortens the chat. As he get upset when she walks away he gets confronted by another attractive women, who he later finds out is the devil.
The devil wants to give him his wish as she knows his situation and wants his soul, as she finds him an easy target. She proves herself correct as he does what she wants, and signs a contract which he did not read fully. The devil then grants him with seven wishes of his choice, although as he wishes for what he wants, one by one these wishes are granted as she said. Although there is a twist, he was not specific enough to what he wanted. In the first wish he asks to be with this women he loves and to be rich, as doing so everything falls out of place and she did not love him back and he becomes a very big drug dealer.
Once he goes back and wishes for the second time again he also gets it wrong and ends up being to emotional and she leaves him for some ‘typical’ other man. And this continues throughout six of his wishes, as the end he realizes what he wants the devil can not give him so therefore he tells her that he does not want his last wish. The devil gets very angry and turns into a giant to scare him into saying his last wish so she can have his soul. It works although not the way she intended, as he wishes for a selfless wish. And this terminates the contract so he does not have to give up his soul to the devil.
Once he gets back to normal life he gets the courage to ask out Aicen, although she turns him down as she was going out with some one. Once he gets back to his flat he finds a women who happens to look much like Alicen moving next door to him. They then end up going out and living ‘happily ever after’.
The story begins with a middle aged man who seems lonely and unwanted, as he goes about his every day life one day it will all about to change. Typically he fancies a women at his work which he cant get, and doesn’t even have the guts to ever talk to her. She predictably doesn’t acknowledge him altogether, although one night he decides to confront her in a bar. As his so called ‘Friends’ push him to go talk to her just to get fid of him. As he does so she does not recognise him and shortens the chat. As he get upset when she walks away he gets confronted by another attractive women, who he later finds out is the devil.
The devil wants to give him his wish as she knows his situation and wants his soul, as she finds him an easy target. She proves herself correct as he does what she wants, and signs a contract which he did not read fully. The devil then grants him with seven wishes of his choice, although as he wishes for what he wants, one by one these wishes are granted as she said. Although there is a twist, he was not specific enough to what he wanted. In the first wish he asks to be with this women he loves and to be rich, as doing so everything falls out of place and she did not love him back and he becomes a very big drug dealer.
Once he goes back and wishes for the second time again he also gets it wrong and ends up being to emotional and she leaves him for some ‘typical’ other man. And this continues throughout six of his wishes, as the end he realizes what he wants the devil can not give him so therefore he tells her that he does not want his last wish. The devil gets very angry and turns into a giant to scare him into saying his last wish so she can have his soul. It works although not the way she intended, as he wishes for a selfless wish. And this terminates the contract so he does not have to give up his soul to the devil.
Once he gets back to normal life he gets the courage to ask out Aicen, although she turns him down as she was going out with some one. Once he gets back to his flat he finds a women who happens to look much like Alicen moving next door to him. They then end up going out and living ‘happily ever after’.
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